Friday, March 7, 2008

The Other Woman, Part 1

Another week, another incredible episode. While it may not have been quite the mind%$#@ that "The Constant" was, it was still jam-packed. As such, I have to give you fair warning: this may be a long one.

The episode was Juliet-centric, but it seemed like it had less to do with her specifically than it did with other more general aspects that her back story helps to explain.

The first big moment came when Harper confronted Juliet in the jungle. This was a very interesting scene for many reasons. First, of course, more whispers! I'm sure the whispers (in general) are a big clue, but there aren't transcripts available yet for last night's epi. I'll post a link as soon as I find some (or anyone else who finds one, feel free to post it here). There are, however, transcripts for past episodes. If you've never checked them out, you can read them here.

Of course, Harper's appearance at all begs many questions, the first being, was she an "apparition"? I immediately assumed she was, due to her appearance being preceded by whispers. Today, however, there were questions online about whether she was really there or not. I'm sticking to my initial feeling that she was, in fact, an apparition.

It is true that apparitions are normally of people who have died, and we know Harper was alive as recently as three months ago. Juliet also didn't seem surprised to see her (as in, "what are you doing here, you're dead"). But we don't have any real evidence that apparitions are always of dead people, and Harper really being there just doesn't ring true for me.

It is true that Jack saw her too, and this is the other reason people have given for her being real. But, as has been pointed out, Sayid saw Walt when he appeared to Shannon, and Sawyer saw Kate's horse, so that would appear to not be an issue.

Rather, it seems to me to be totally unlikely that the real Harper could possibly have known where Juliet would be at that exact moment. I know the Others sometimes seem omniscient and omnipresent, but I'm assuming Harper is with Richard and the (other) Others at the temple. It just doesn't make sense that she would travel all that way to get there just in time to tell Juliet something that she couldn't know.

Which brings me to my next point. The idea that Ben sent her strains credulity as well. Ben, might very well know that the Freighties would be heading to the Tempest, and it's even possible he might have had some contact with the rest of his people, but seriously, he's giving orders from his "cell" about events that he could at best have general knowledge of?

I don't know what to think about the fact that Juliet apparently believes that Ben did send Harper, despite asking how that was possible. Is she lying? Admittedly, her motives and allegiances have not always been clear, and I did wonder again this week when she took off after finding Kate, but I'm still inclined to think she really is with Jack and his faction.

Of course, if Harper is an apparition (which is, after all, what I'm arguing), that changes things. It seems much more likely that Ben could have been told about the trip to the Tempest by the island "forces", and he could have subsequently instructed said forces to tell Juliet, etc.

It's also possible that the "forces" took it upon themselves to manipulate events, or were directed to do so by Jacob. Either way, it seems more plausible to me than if Harper and her explanation of who sent her were real.

In either event, why send someone who would likely harbor ill will toward Juliet? Other than ignorance, I can't think of a reason for the Others to do it. If the island or Jacob sent the message, why appear as Harper? Presumably it could have been anyone. I have to think there's a reason, but I'm sorry to say I don't know what it is.

I guess the biggest thing for me is the whispers. I know many people have associated the whispers directly with the Others, but I never have, and I think Juliet's reaction when she hears them confirms this. She may not have seemed surprised to see Harper, but she sure looked confused and concerned when the whispers started.

For me, this was another confirmation that the whispers and the apparitions are connected. Once again, going to the transcripts, we see in the sonic fence scene from "The Man Behind the Curtain" that the whispers appear to instructing and cuing Ben's "mother".

What exactly are the whispers and apparitions? I still don't know. There is some evidence that people who have died on the island make up some of the chorus of whispers. I don't think that's the whole story, though. Many seem to think it's gospel that the apparitions are manifestations of Smokey. I have never believed this. I think it's much more likely that they're manifestations of whomever is whispering.

We could really get into a discussion of the deeper island mythology here, but I want to rein in and get back to "The Other Woman". Or rather, I think I'll touch on a few general observations, and save the other big topic (Ben and Juliet) for a separate post.

One thing I liked was the use of the word "hostile" by Jack and Claire. Kind of a nice self-reference for the show, as well as a nod to the way the Losties are becoming like the Others.

Also, we got confirmation (as if it were needed) that Widmore sent the freighter (unless Ben is lying, which I don't think he is). The video shows Wid beating/killing one of Ben's men, then he looks directly at the camera, reinforcing the idea that Ben has been meddling in Wid's plans off-island, and this is why Wid wants to capture him. Apparently, he also knows how the Purge was conducted.

One of the most odd things was Ben telling Locke that his people don't want him. Of course, we know Ben. He is a manipulator, and as such, when it suits those purposes, a liar. So do we believe him?

It is, of course, at odds with the idea that he sent the real Harper to Juliet, but I've already said I don't believe it was the real Harper.

I don't trust it, at this point, but I really don't know. It's a very interesting statement, nonetheless.

We get another station! Namely, the Tempest, which is apparently the power source for the island, as well as a mass murdering machine, and presumably the instrument used in the Purge. The Tempest, of course, is a play by Shakespeare about a sorcerer stranded on an island.

And finally, it is becoming increasingly clear that Michael is Ben's man on the boat. "A face you thought you'd never see again"? Come on! I didn't watch next week's preview, but I have a feeling if I had I would be even more sure.

Whew, that was, as I said, a jam-packed episode. But the Ben and Juliet situation has to be explored, and I will do so soon.

Till then, thanks for sticking around to the end, and



Unknown said...

Ok, here we go:

I am with you. I instantly believed Harper to be an apparition. It's not rocket science; the whispers start, she shows up, the whispers happen again, everyone spins around, and she is gone. Come on. But we know that Walt isn't dead, and that he is probably astral-projecting. And he told Shannon things he shouldn't be able to, and Locke as well. (The fact that he appeared to Locke looking a bit taller is another big question, but we'll save that for later.) Perhaps Harper is a similar sort of talent, and that's the reason for her appearing? And perhaps both of them are being filtered or channeled by the Whisperers and/or Jacob? Or even used? And it would seem Ben is able to contact Jacob from his prison cell. So does he have skills too? Or did someone appear to him and converse?

If Harper IS dead, which I doubt, either Juliet knows it or she doesn't. If she doesn't, that would explain her lack of surprise to see her. If she does, than Juliet knows a hell of a lot about what's going on on the island. One thing I do think is that she didn't believe Harper to actually be there. I think she knows about the astral-projection business. Remember, she was involved when Walt was kidnapped. She came to the tent where Michael was being held. Didn't she make a comment about how special Walt is? Which brings me to another point. Juliet earlier had told Sayid that if she told him everything she knew, he would probably kill her. On this ep, Juliet told Jack that he didn't want to know what was in her file. Which strengthens the theory that there is still some sinister stuff in her backstory we have yet to see.

I think it's very possible that Ben sent Harper. He wants all the freighties dead, and Harper told Juliet to kill them based on a lie. The fact that Juliet didn't kill them I think confirms that she is indeed working with Jack and not Ben. I think she really IS in love with him. I don't think we're gonna get a crazy twist later on. One thing I'm starting to think about, if the relationship continues, where is Juliet on the flash forwards? Dead? I sure hope not, but there is some serious drama building here, and we know how Cuseloff likes to kill people.

Do The Others want Ben? I don't think it matters. Ben is "exactly where he wants to be," and so The Others must have reason for not coming to reclaim him. They probably know that he is doing what he needs to right now, and are patiently waiting for him. And also maybe hoping that Locke comes back, and not Ben?

Yeah, Michael is the most likely candidate for being on the boat, but this would mean he is NOT one of the Oceanic 6, and furthermore, if he isn't, than somehow Ben convinced Mike to work for him, and probably gave him a fake identity, which would strengthen the possibility that Michael is in the coffin. And if so, did Michael really kill himself, or was he killed, perhaps for his crimes on the island? Or was it just guilt?

Ok, that's enough for now. See you on part 2!

Sigma6 said...

OK, it never occurred to me that Harper could be astral projecting. It's funny, I mentioned Walt, but completely forgot that I consider his appearances to be different than the appaerances of say, Christian Shepard. Maybe Harper does have this same power, and that would of course be why she was the messenger. I have to say, though, I don't remember her from any previous episodes, nor does Lostpedia. Are we both wrong? I assume you're talking about "Four Minutes"? I might have to back and check that out.

Unknown said...

What makes you think we've seen Harper before? Is "Four Minutes" one of the mobisodes? Did I say something that indicates I thought we've seen her before? Cuz I don't think that.

Also, I forgot to mention, and maybe you'll hit on this in your Ben and Juliet post, but Juliet looks "just like her?" I'm thinking this is referring to his mother. Which is quite Oedipal, ain't it?

Sigma6 said...

Ah, I see now, you were talking about Juliet, not Harper. "Four Minutes" is, if I remember correctly, the episode where we saw Michael in the tent making the deal with Bea.

Definitely mommy! A lot of people think Annie, but I say mom for sure.

Unknown said...

Yeah, Annie had occurred to me, but she was a redhead, wasn't she? And we know Ben has major mommy issues. It's why he acts so childlike in certain situations, he really is one of those brilliant minds that just never developed properly emotionally.

Sigma6 said...

We must have been posting this idea at almost exactly the same time.