Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blog Changes

As you may have noticed, I added a LOST widget from It consists of short video clips of various kinds, including previews, recaps, and vidcasts. Navigation is easy: simply roll over the widget to show skip and play/pause controls. The first clip is the main promo for the upcoming show, the next two clips show important scenes/excerpts from the most recent episode, one the flashback/forward, the other the real time events. A couple more previews, and the most recent Official LOST Vidcast round it out (at least that's the case this week, it's new to me too).

Anyway, the preview is there if you want to see it (if you don't, just be ready to hit the skip forward button), but the recap clips are great for reviewing scenes. If you don't already subscribe to the Official LOST podcast, you might enjoy the vidcasts as well. It also has a nifty little countdown to next episode.

I added a poll, so please vote to tell me whether it's worthwhile or not (feel free to leave comments as well)! Of course, I know there's only about four people who read this, and only half of them watch the show the night it's broadcast, so it will take a while to be meaningful, but humor me! I'm trying to spice this thing up!

Thank you for your time,


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