Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ji Yeon

Well, another great episode, some more twists, a dose of OMG moments, and of course, more questions.

New to this week's entry in the LOST canon was the mix of one character's (Sun's) flashforward with another's (Jin's) flashback. This seems to be in the pattern of new uses for this device this season (see Confirmed Dead). Observant viewers will have been tipped off first by Jin's ancient looking cell phone (much like Jack's Razr was a clue in "Through the Looking Glass") His behavior on the street certainly pointed to the old Jin, but the proof positive came when he told the nurse, "I've only been married for two months". Even the mention of Mr Paik had me wondering at first if he was off the island, back to working for his father-in-law, and therefore "unredeemed", as Sayid seems to be.

But the point, now that it's established, is what does it mean? There has to be a point, other than just to trick us (although that was cool). My first thought was to reintroduce Mr Paik (I still believe he is significant on roughly the Widmore level). But even that doesn't seem enough. Does it have something to do with why Jin is not among the O6? One would have to believe it does, but I confess, I don't what.

So let's talk about Jin apparently being dead. I say apparently, because, as many of you will have noticed, the date of death on the gravestone is 9/22/2004. (Here's a better close-up.) The date of the crash. In other words, a lie. So why say he died in the crash, when we know he didn't, and does this mean he's alive?

I think the date on the stone certainly is part of the lie that says 8 people survived the crash, 6 of those survived long enough to be rescued. Jin is obviously not among the six, and apparently not among the eight. I am one who assumes at least some who didn't make it off the island are still alive (the "they" in Charlie's "they need you" warning to Hurley). Presumably some or all of them have gravestones with the same date. So do we have any evidence Jin is alive or dead?

Unfortunately, there is some indirect evidence that he is really dead. On LOST, redemption is a strong theme, and it seems that when characters complete their redemption process, they die, like Charlie. While he's the best example of this, the same could be argued for Shannon, and maybe Boone. This could have been the point of the flashback, showing us the old Jin, threatening to rip someones head off for taking his cab, and the new Jin, who forgives his wife's affair, and even takes some responsibility.

It's depressing to think that characters who manage to find redemption are paid in death, and I'm not really sure that that is what's happening. It's just all I have to go on. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happened to all the non O6ers.

On island we had the Jin/Sun/Juliet drama. It probably wouldn't have occurred to me to take the step Juliet did, no matter how much I thought they needed to stay, but I can't argue that it didn't work. Since apparently it didn't ruin Sun and Jin's marriage, I guess it worked out for the best. It was still cold.

Sun's flashforward was notable mostly at the end (save for Expose being on the TV at the beginning). Of course, there was the OMG graveside moment. But most mysterious to me was the almost throw-away line by Hurley when he comes to visit Sun. When informed no one else is coming, he says, "good!" Not in relief, I don't think (some have suggested he is feeling guilty and doesn't want to see Jack). At first I couldn't help feeling he had designs on Sun. That really didn't seem to be it, either, so what was it?
I guess the main other thing to address is the identities of the O6. According TPTB, we were supposed to know by the end of this episode. Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, and now Sun can be counted for sure. But who is the sixth? The only real possibilities, by any stretch, are Aaron, Ben, or Michael. It's obviously not Jin, Juliet, or Desmond.

I assume the O6 are comprised (at least nominally) of people from the manifest. Most of the above don't really fit this, but as I've pointed out before, either Michael or Ben could be using a false name. In fact, we know they both are. Kevin Johnson, however, is almost certainly not taken from an 815 passenger; it wouldn't be a good move for a spy in Michael's particular position. Ben obviously has plenty of identities at hand; why would he risk pretending to be from 815?

Even though Aaron wasn't on the manifest, it would be realistic to expect him to be born prior to rescue (always depending on what the stated timeline turns out to be, and who his mother is supposed to be), and it seems like he would naturally be included in the survivor count.

Of course, there are just too many holes right now to draw good conclusions about a lot of this stuff, and as far as the O6 goes, I'm basing my belief that Aaron is counted on Cuseloff's statement that we would know by now. If they're messing with us, all bets are off. But for the time being, that's my list and I'm sticking to it!

OK, I think that's all I have for now. Contrary to previous statements, they will be showing Episode 4x08 next week. Then a long wait till Apr 24. But hey, at least we're getting a (mostly) complete season! Yay!



Unknown said...

So what makes you think Sayid is "unredeemed?" Because he's killing for Ben? Not that I think Sayid is redeemed necessarily, but I don't think that is a reason to assume he isn't. If you think about it, Sayid might have redeemed himself long ago, when he admitted to the woman in Australia that he was indeed her torturer. Unless he needs new redemption for torturing Sawyer. He's apparently doing the "right" thing as far as his off-island killing for Ben is concerned. He's killing bad guys, right?

I also don't think everyone dies when they have been "redeemed." It was just easy to kill off Shannon and Boone because their characters were not real important. And they needed to show the stakes. I don't think Shannon had any real good story arc that showed any redemption one way or the other. She was just a good girl who got a little obnoxious after her step-mother f'ed her over.

I really don't think Jin is dead. I think everyone who is believed to have died in the crash has a headstone somewhere, but I bet most of them are still on the island. Jin has become part of that lie, like you mentioned, but only because he isn't an O6. I bet he's still on the island with whoever stayed behind. I suppose there's a possibility that both he and Claire are dead, but I have the feeling they're both still around.

Jin's flashback significance: perhaps the Ambassador Jin helped Paik to make friends with will become significant?

The O6 lie: EVERYONE who didn't get rescued as an O6 has to have died in the crash. That's an essential part of the lie. That's why Hurley had to claim to not have known Ana Lucia. He couldn't have known her as far as the lie goes. All survivors who remained behind are "dead" as far as the lie Jack and Co. have been perpetuating goes. The real question is, how do they explain that 6 people survived when all 324 passengers' bodies have already been accounted for? And also, WHEN are they rescued, and what is their story as to where they have been for the 3+ months since the crash? Does the world at large know the wreckage was faked, or do they think the survivors somehow survived the crash and lived somewhere? It's all so nuts, but we are supposed to know by the end of the season.

I don't know why Juliet was so concerned about Sun living or dying. And anyway, it's not like people who go to Locke's camp are lost forever. When it comes time to be rescued, clearly anyone can run to the camp and get someone. I guess she just really didn't want another pregnant woman to die. Also, I guess LOST has been really trying to throw us a bone here or there, because also, it seemed highly unnecessary for Charlie to tell Sun about kidnapping her. So people are finding out these horrible things they really shouldn't, until someone opens their big yapper.

Hurley's "good": maybe also, he was aware of the possible media circus surrounding any big gathering of O6's?

Speaking of the O6: I'm a bit confused too. Aaron would seem a likely choice, except Jack clearly said after the initial crash, there were 6 living survivors, and Aaron just wasn't born yet. Period. Unless one of those 6 died later on, before the rescue. But we don't know that yet. It still is also possible that Michael is counted as one of them. As a matter of fact, now that I think of it, I would put my money on him. Because his existence was revealed in that episode, and like Cuseloff said, we are supposed to know all 6 by the end of that one.

Aaarrrgh. My brain hurts.

Sigma6 said...

I agree, we definitely seem to be getting deeper and deeper, and there's just not enough information to make sense of all the pieces being given to us.

Maybe Michael is the sixth member, I just don't know.

I do think we've been shown that Juliet takes the deaths of the pregnant women really hard. Plus I suspect she wants to prove herself to Jack's camp. She's never been fully trusted by them, and (as she admits) with good reason. Of course, once again, a strange way to go about gaining trust, by violating it. Still, I think saving Sun's life is just something she has to do, knd of like Jack and his fix-things obsession.

Unknown said...

I found it interesting that J. Wood mentioned how Juliet can wield information like a weapon, much like Ben. She has definitely changed since coming to the island.