Sunday, February 10, 2008

Confirmed Dead, Part 1

Wow, it is so great to be LOST again! After a stunning season opener, LOST stays on the offensive with Episode 402, "Confirmed Dead".

We return to the flashback, after two episodes of flash forwards, but it's flashback with a twist. For one thing, there are five flashbacks, five people. Furthermore, four of them are brand new characters. In addition, the fifth person is dead. All in all, it seemed like a very different use of the device, but in keeping with LOST tradition, it raised more questions than gave answers.

Prior to these flashbacks, however, we see the discovery of the "wreckage" (or "freckage", for fake wreckage) of 815 (mentioned by Naomi last season) in the Sunda Trench. News reports mention the Christiane I. These elements reference the Alternate Reality Game "Find815". For those of you unfamiliar with the game, you can read a synopsis here.

But on to the new characters. The first flashback is for Daniel Faraday, who we actually met briefly at the end of TBOTE. He is watching news reports of the 815 recovery, and he is crying. When his wife asks him why he's so upset, he says he doesn't know. There are, of course theories out there, including that he's Ana Lucia's Danny, or that he was going to adopt Claire's baby. Neither of these ideas, however, address why he doesn't know what's upsetting him.

Then on to Miles Straume, who apparently can talk to the dead, but he uses his power to steal money.

Then Charlotte, an anthroplogist in Tunisia. She seems to have a hard time believing the 815 recovery story; seeing a front page article in a Tunisian newpaper, her companion asks, "How many languages do you need to read that in before you'll believe it?" The reply, "How many languages are there?" Why so hard to believe? Well, we soon learn that Ms Lewis may have knowledge about the Dharma Initiative when she bribes her way into a dig and finds... a polar bear skeleton... wearing a Hydra Station collar!!!1!ONE!@! It seems clear from her excited rather than surprised or baffled reaction that she knows something, indeed, expected to find something of the sort.

Then we meet Frank Lapidus, who doesn't believe the footage on TV is showing what they say they are regarding Flight 815 and its pilot. When asked how he knows, he says, "I was supposed to be piloting that flight."

The fifth flashback gives us a reveal, namely that Naomi works for Abaddon. They are talking about the mission, and Naomi expresses unease about the other four members of the team. Abaddon brushes aside her concerns, including the question of 815 survivors, and tells her to get in and out.

So! What can we surmise from all of this? Well, the first thing that hits me, everyone (except, as far as we know, Miles) has some connection to/knowledge of Flight 815 and/or the Dharma Initiative, as well as the island. Naomi and Abaddon clearly know about the island, since they are sending a team there. And since 815 comes up, we can assume they know something about it as well, otherwise they would have no reason to connect it to the island. Charlotte clearly knows of the DI, and seems too happy to have touched down on the island not to have some prior knowledge. Lapidus' connection to Oceanic and 815 is explicit. That leaves Dan, who cries for no reason at the news of the recovery. This is the most mysterious connection, apparently even to Dan. It would be reasonable to expect Miles to have a connection also, although we haven't been given any clues about that.

The second observation has to do with why this particular team was chosen, but I'm going to leave that for part 2. See you in a day or two!

P.S. I can't help but notice that the comments have amounted to exactly Jack Squat so far. This would be a good oppurtunity to give me feedback, if you're not comfortable theorizing. Maybe you're thinking, "Enough with the recap already, I just watched the dang thing." Or maybe you're thinking, "Wow, thanks for summarizing what we know." In the name of all that is holy, let me know!

Thank you for your support.


Unknown said...

The "fake" wreckage: my theory is that Ben's people (Mittelos?) mocked up the wreckage to avert people from looking for 815 in the vicinity of the island. He of course doesn't want it discovered - by anyone... But this brings up another point in my head. Why do people associate 815 with the island at all? Was it SUPPOSED to be going there all along? Did people know it was? Jacob? The mastermind behind Abaddon?

Dan: Good theory, I forgot Ana-Lucia had a "Danny." But, Dan would know why he was crying if the plane he knew she was on was found at the bottom of the ocean. As for the Claire's baby adoption theory, no, that's absurd. That was all a lie set up by the psychic in Australia to get her on the plane. (And hey, she is one person who we know was put on that plane BECAUSE someone knew where it was headed. What about the other Losties?)

What's this bit for? > "Hydra Station collar!!!1!ONE!@!" Why the ones?

Lapidus realizing that the pilot wasn't the pilot is the strongest indication that it is indeed fake wreckage.

What was Naomi's job description? Why was Abaddon so adamant that there were no survivors of 815? Why are they mentioning 815 at all? Why send a team of scientists in to apprehend a man? I mean, sending Dan the physicist along might help to navigate to and from the island, but an anthropologist? A psychic? They expected something else beside just going to catch a bad guy. Heck, they expected gaseous warfare, for one thing. What else did they expect? And why would they just "get in and get out" when they had sent those kinds of brains along?

I hope you're enjoying all these comments you are now getting in one night. You might want to stretch them out over a few days' time. ;)

Sigma6 said...

I do think the question of why people associate 815 with the island indicates that it may have been a planned detour to the island. Maybe that's why Frank was replaced; Seth Norris may have been a conspirator. That could be why Smokie ate him. I also think that implicates Oceanic.

What's this bit for? > "Hydra Station collar!!!1!ONE!@!" Why the ones?

I've adopted some of the net jargon employed by Rachel Ack in her recaps. The ones were originally a mistake (releasing the shift when trying to type "!") that became deliberate. Actually spelling out "one" furthers the joke.

Good point about the gas masks. Do they know that's how the Purge was conducted? If so, how? And when did they learn?

Unknown said...

Great idea about why Smokie killed Seth. Although he didn't seem so implicit. I hope we get a flashback with Seth someday. But why did it kill him so quickly? He didn't even seem to get a chance to redeem himself.

You know, I kind of understood the ONE joke without knowing about it. Damn I'm smart. And yes, I've noticed you've picked up some net lingo lately! lolz anyone?

NO idea how they could know about how the purge went down. But they seem to, don't they?

Sigma6 said...

The only possibility for a spy among the others who could have warned of the gas attack would be Mikhail, being in charge of com as he was. Except it just occurred to me: Bonnie and Greta were supposed by Mikhail to be on assignment in Canada. We know Richard, Ethan, and Ben have all been off the island. If "assignment in Canada" is a good cover story, then it must not be unusual for other people to leave and come back. Maybe there was a spy. We know recruitment was taking place. Maybe they got sloppy with a background check.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that makes sense. Perhaps even Richard might have been the one to spill the beans! Probably not, but you never know, he IS unhappy with Ben's floundering on pregnancies...

As for Ben, we assume he's been off the island, but were it not for seeing all those passports last week, we would have no reason to do so. We've never seen him leave the island since he arrived. And the picture the F4 had could even have been supplied by our "spy." Just an observation.