Whew! Another intense episode with a mindblower ending. Kate-centric, it gives us information about how Kate was living free in the flashforward that ended Season 3, as well as who the "he" is in "he'll be wondering where I am".
Revealed early in this week's FF was the fact that Kate had a son. At the end we learn this "son" is Aaron. I'll admit my first reaction was that she had simply named her son "Aaron", but then I quickly realized that he probably was Aaron, as in Claire's Aaron. Obviously, we now have a bunch of new questions to ask.
Such as, what happened to Claire? Did she die? It's hard to imagine any scenario where she would have willingly given up her baby. Is Locke so crazy now he would force them apart? (I know I just said I still believe in Locke, but that's a subject for a different post.) We still don't know how or why only six 815ers got off the island; maybe it was somebody's decision, and they said "we'll take the baby but not Claire". I don't know.
Another question is what does this do to Malkin's warning to Claire not to let Aaron be raised by another? I guess if she's dead, then there's no choice. But how on earth did it wind up being Kate's responsibility?
Of course, we have to talk about Jack. During the parking garage scene I assumed the reason Jack didn't want to see the baby was because it was Sawyer's, and Kate was either lying or wrong when she said she wasn't pregnant on the island. But why wouldn't he want to see Aaron? Was he somehow responsible for whatever happened to Claire, and he feels too guilty? What is going on behind the scenes of this lie?
Also, what of Desmond's vision of Claire and Aaron leaving in a helicopter? We know his visions aren't always accurate, but it still makes you wonder. What if she got off, but then the freighter people wanted to keep her to find out why she could give birth on the island and survive? That's out there, but I can't believe she's one of the O6 and she doesn't have her baby.
Speaking of the O6, is Aaron our fifth member? I know in the speculations about who else comprised the group there was some question about whether or not babies should be counted. A lot of this was due to an attempt to get 6 adult characters off the island, and have one of them be Claire/Aaron. I don't actually see any reason not to include children. Damon and Carlton in this week's podcast said they were going to be "tricky" when it came to the final two members. Does this count as "tricky"?
Of course, as I said at the beginning, we also see how Kate gets free of her legal entanglements. My question is, is her Mom's testimony really so central that they can't convict her without it? Does the hero/jury sympathy thing really ring true? If not, is it just dramatic license, or is there a conspiracy? Does the Widmore cabal have its fingers in the justice system? Is it important to them to keep her out of jail?
Well, that's all for now, I'm going to listen to Jay and Jack, but I'll be responding to comments, and back soon with a post about Locke and Ben and Miles.
I don't have a ton to say about this episode quite yet, but here's a few nuggets of wisdom...
I believe Jack is feeling guilty because he couldn't save Claire, and whether or not he ever found out that Aaron is his nephew, he would definitely blame himself and maybe seeing Aaron would just be too upsetting for him. Although, I'm not convinced Claire's dead yet.
I hadn't thought about the "Raised By Another" situation yet. That could spell bad things... But maybe it fell into Kate's hands just because she's been rooming with Claire and maybe they've gotten closer? Dunno. Could it have been Claire's dying wish?
Is Aaron the fifth member of the O6? I don't know, but I have a theory. See, Aaron wasn't on the plane's manifest, and he wasn't born until after they crashed. Jack said that 8 people survived the crash, and one of them could not be Aaron, as he was still inside mama. He also said two of those 8 died soon after, leaving 6. The O6. Aaron still not born. He's also too young to be a celebrity. I think this is the tricky part, as maybe this means 7 actually came home.
Kate's mother's testimony is VERY central. She's the only bit of evidence they have. I was getting close to making the assumption that Kate's mother was long dead by the time they were rescued and that's why she was free. But we see here she is still alive, and that's why Kate is in hot water. There would be absolutely no evidence that Kate was responsible for the explosion unless her mother ratted her out as being the culprit. Kate went on the run because her mom freaked out. Had her mom not went ballistic, she would have just been out of town for awhile. The weird thing is, her mother seems to think the baby is Kate's. How could Kate possibly make anyone think Aaron was hers? .... Hm. Perhaps Aaron is not involved in the rescue at all? Perhaps he is brought to her later, somehow? Maybe even by Ben? Or, perhaps Claire DOES get off the island and IS one of the O6, but something happens later to her, which is why she leaves the baby to Kate? I just can't figure why Kate's mom would believe him to be her grandson? None of these scenarios really explains that. This flash forward would seem to be at most only months after the homecoming. Same with Hurley's. On the other hand, Sayid's and Jack's are way later. Unless it's possible that Ben and Sayid make the deal before he even gets rescued.
Another big question I have is HOW they get rescued, meaning WHAT story they have told to explain how they survived the crash, and the months that followed, without revealing the location of the island? He said they landed in the water, so is he referring to our (possibly) fake wreckage? And if so, that wouldn't really put them in the Pacific, and didn't he say they were found on an island in the Pacific? I need to watch this one again soon.
More after your next post, or if I come up with more to say after more viewings/blogs/podcasts etc...
The O6. Aaron still not born. He's also too young to be a celebrity. I think this is the tricky part, as maybe this means 7 actually came home.
This could allow the final two to be Sun and Jin, plus baby.
that wouldn't really put them in the Pacific, and didn't he say they were found on an island in the Pacific?
This is one of the biggest questions for me too. He did indeed say they were in the South Pacific, but the Sunda Trench is in the Indian Ocean.
With regard to the case against Kate, don't they have evidence of something? The bank robbery, Tom's death, anything?
All I can figure is that Kate wasn't responsible for Tom's death, cuz he was shot by police. And maybe they don't have anything on her for that bank robbery. She escaped didn't she? They might not even know about that.
People always think Jin AND Sun might be the other two, but what if it's only one or the other? That would be more dramatic. Sun might go back so she won't die birthing their son, but what if Jin doesn't make it back for whatever reason? Just a thought there. I am starting to think James did not come back, and not just because of this past episode.
Lots of good stuff here if you haven't read it yet. Sometimes I forget to read the episode breakdowns. http://lostpedia.com/wiki/Eggtown
Yeah, I guess the rest of the stuff could be fuzzy, evidence-wise. The other question is, who are the two who supposedly died, and why are they even part of the story?
Oh, and one more thing. Does Jack know Aaron is his nephew?
Sounded to me like maybe they are trying to make the story sound realistic as possible, and give Kate some hero cred. That's all I can figure for why they would create something so elaborate as to say that two people survived but then died afterward.
I would think that Jack does not know Aaron is his nephew. The only person that could know this is Ben, most likely. Whether or not he has reason to tell Jack the truth is something we will just have to wait and see. But I think that if Jack knew Aaron was his relative, he might be more inclined to go see him if he was more than just a reminder that he couldn't save Claire.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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