So, Locke is in the coffin. The question to which we've been waiting a year to learn the answer. The question that, at ComiCon last year, Damon and Carlton cited in direct response to the question, "What question should we be asking?" And now we know. And it's not who I thought it would be.
But now that we know, what does it mean? Apparently, Locke came to see at least some of the O6, and Walt. Probably he had contact with Ben as well. We know the main reason he came to see them: to convince them to return. Is there more to it? Did Locke wind up having to move the island again? Is he, too, banished? Why the alias?
Here's my theory: What if the Locke in the coffin is future Locke? What if in 2007-8 there's still a Locke on the island, but years in the future, he tries to go back and change the course of events?
Even though they've opened up the reality that time travel is going to play a role, this idea (of changing the past/future) conflicts with Ms Hawkings' insistence that the universe self-corrects. Nevertheless, Desmond did alter future events significantly in his "consciousness travel". Does Locke wind up using this tool, maybe with the help of Daniel (whose fate is as yet unknown)?
The bottom line is, I've always believed Locke to central yo LOST, and I felt that was finally vindicated the last few episodes, especially "Cabin Fever". So I'm having a hard time believing he's dead. As in, not mostly-dead, but all-the-way-dead.
Of course, what if it's an Orchid-time anomaly-copy-bunny thing? AAARRGGHH!! My head!
The other question I have is, what bad things happened? I originally assumed that the worst things to happen to the island and its inhabitants would occur during the siege of the island by Keamy and his men. But that seems to be over, with relatively few casualties. So there must be something more.
Keamy's dead, most, if not all, of his men are dead. What could have happened, especially as a result of the O6 leaving? I am down with the idea that the Losties were drawn there, and therefore not supposed to leave, but what could have happened that depended on their presence to prevent?
As you can see I'm at a loss on that one.
I'm getting ferklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic: WTF!! Discuss.
While I wait for you to respond to my comment on part 1, I'll go ahead and comment on part 2.
Why the alias? That's simple enough, isn't it? John Locke is dead, as far as the world knows. He can't come striding back into L.A. as John Locke, for petessake.
They are taking his body back to the island. There's a reason for that. He'll at least end up like Christian, or perhaps more. But I don't subscribe to the theory of multiple Lockes, or even that he has come back in time from somewhere further down the line. Whatever happens on the island between January 2005 and mid-2007, obviously doesn't go well and Locke has to finally leave the island to go and convince these people to come back. What disaster could they have helped avert? I don't see it that way. But they do have purposes that aren't being fulfilled, and that must be causing other things to not be going right. Oddly though, if the universe course-corrects, and you can't change anything, then this has all happened how it happend, more or less, anyway. Ouch brain freeze.
Duplicating, time travelling bunnies must have been shown to us for a reason. Maybe not Locke, but that has to wind up coming into play.
However you want to put it, what would the "bad things" entail? It obviously freaked Jack out. What could it have been?
Ok, duplicating is my issue. In BTTF 2, Marty was in the same place twice. This gets tricky.
How did the 15 bunny get to be in the same place twice? Time travel experiments, ok. It's possible to send the same person back to the same time twice. But with Locke? It isn't case of him time traveling. Duplicating. The guy is dead. Will he be revived? Who knows.
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